Article Credit
Williamson Herald: Click
Here for Full Article

Williamson Herald, in conjunction with
Goodall Homes, is proud
to sponsor the student of the month. Each month, a student will be selected
from nominations throughout Williamson County including WCS, FSSD,
and any private schools located in Williamson County.
Each winner receives a plaque, and a photo & story in the
Williamson Herald
and the
photo and story posted to Goodall Homes' website and social media pages
What makes your student special? Are they a good member of their school community?
Do they show kindness to others? Are they star students?
Do they mentor other children or volunteer in the community?
Fill out the form below and let us know what makes them special!
*Click the link below to download form:
Goodall Homes Student of the Month Nomination Form
Please email this form to Derby Jones at
or print and fax it to the
Herald at 615-790-7551.
Please call the Williamson Herald at 615-790-6465 for more information.